Friday, March 12, 2010

Revisiting a Friend’s Previous Work

Millicent Cummings
I met Millicent several Christmas seasons ago and ended up compiling her Christmas CD from various old Porta Studio cassettes and a CD or two.  A little audio clean up, some mixing, editing and burning and she had a nice family gift that met her deadline.  She left me some cookies a card and with a kiss and a hug vanished out my rickety old door and was off.  She struck me as one more of many women artists I’ve met.  Hell bent and  undeterred from her creative dreams and goals.  It was almost as if I was supposed to liken her presence to a historic personage. 
I always thought her work would go over better in Austin, Texas.  She plays and sings with full roof rattling dbs and then dynamically drops to a whisper,  She plays her big-bodied guitar as though she were striding; a pilgrim getting close to their destination.  She also has the East Coast thing going on.
I’ve recently had the chance to give her CD, Island Rose some serious listening.  I have become rather fond of several of the tracks, finding her lyrics quirky but with a unique sense of relevance to living on a rock in the Pacific Ocean, what we want and what we need. She expores relationships and uses skillful analogies and lush imagery in many of her compositions.
Give her CDs a listen and hear what I was missing.
Blessings from Kauai.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tyler - interesting stuff. Totally agree about Millecent (& her gtr player Darby).I'd like to meet you nxt time I'm on S.Side. Am collecting projects re: the jazz bass of which we previously discussed & A Rivera Amp which I restored & sold with a reverb issue that I'd like to make right for the buyer.
    By Eric on Inspiration and Enlightenment on 4/11/11
