Monday, April 4, 2011

Credo April 2011

I serve a tiny niche of musicians here on this small and culturally isolated 

island who play live electric guitars and basses.  They have a lot of moxie 

since rock and roll, blues, metal, country and worship music, in which 

amplified string instruments still figure prominately, is struggling to say the 


I grew up in the land that Fender, Rickenbacker, Moserite, Standall and Sunn 

Amplification were produced but I have repaired countless other 

manufactures' instruments in my 45 years of experience .  The electric guitar 

and the broad template of sonic colors and textures changed my life and 

quite literally saved it.  I have been playing out, recording, writing and 

repairing these instruments since I was a small boy, learning to solder 

spurned by my interest in building slot cars which I'm sure very few 

Kamaiana even remember their short lived popularity.

I believe the electric guitar and it's infinite possibilities is a unique and 

powerful tool that can make an important statement for change unlike any 

other instrument in existance.  Whether its intended goal is political, 

emotional, spiritual or purely artistic, I love it's potential and always will.
Over the years in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Kauai I have done my best 

to keep the instruments and their necessary, essential components in top 

shape so when a player picks up his axe he can create without the nuisance 

and bother of problems I want to insure his sonic paintbrush is ready to do 

it's job.

I also believe in the working people of this country.  I believe that they are beyond 

equal in their limitless approach to design, and that each and every american worker will, 

when faced with a challenge, will meet it head on, overcome it, and take a solemn pride in a job well done.

I back this belief by using American made parts from relatively small American

companies and one man shops as my vendors, endorsees and information

sources.  I may not agree with our Government's decisions and I am in dire fear of

what I see as a looming specter of Corporate Plutocracy that threatens our

Democracy and treats our constitution as mere junk mail.  I vote with my wallet, I

buy American, and hope for a time when American workers are employed once again

and can take pride in what their heads, hearts and hands have made.

I stand behind my work 100% and my database of resources regarding 

locating the appropriate parts and expert advice I have available through 

specialized colleagues has taken many years to assemble and is impossible 

to put a value on.  
Making sure that your sonic tools are up to specs, and your unique and 

personal adjustments are successfully made is my mission and what drives 

This is the way I approach each individual client and their instruments.  I 

concentrate on doing the work I love, to the absolute best of my ability.  If 

the necessary work is beyond my knowledge and skill level I will frankly tell 

you and recommend a colleage who is qualified to do the work.   Satisfiying my 

clients and attending to their unique and personal requests is my goal as 

well as my first and formost reward.

   Tyler J. 'T. Dogg" Barnes
    Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii


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